Lotação: 6 leitores em pé e 4 sentados


Tips and Tricks

Pra tirar aquele reminderzinho pentelho pra criar um passport no messenger...

You've installed Windows XP and now the operating system keeps popping up a nagging "reminder" balloon, prompting you to create a Passport account. Passport is used for logging into MSN Messenger and other Microsoft online services, but what if you don't want an account? Giving in to the nagging isn't the only way to make this message go away. You can also get rid of it by following these steps:

1 Click Start | Run and type regedit to open the Registry Editor.
2 Navigate to the following Registry key:
3 HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MessengerService
4 Create a new value by clicking Edit | New | Binary Value.
5 Name the new value PassportBalloon.
6 Double click the new value in the right pane and set the Value Data to 0a in hexadecimal.
7 Close the Registry Editor.
8 This should get rid of that nagging balloon for good.


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